Zehan Zheng | 郑泽涵

💫About Me

I am currently a second-year M.S.E. student at ISPC Lab of Tongji University and advised by Prof. Guang Chen. Before this, I obtained the bachelor’s degree in Vehicle Engineering at Tongji University.

My research interests mainly focus on 3D Computer Vision, including Dynamic Reconstruction, Generative Models and Autonomous Driving. In 2022, I was a research intern at OpenDriveLab of Shanghai AI Laboratory advised by Prof. Hongyang Li. From 2024, I interned at CCVL Lab of Johns Hopkins University advised by Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Alan L. Yuille. And I have been a visiting student at SU Lab of UC San Diego advised by Prof. Hao Su, where I spent a wonderful time in La Jolla.

Now I’m looking for Ph.D. (Fall 2025) opportunities, please feel free to drop me an email📬!

Download my Curriculum Vitae.

ucsd       jhu       tongji             opendrivelab


[2024/09] 🎉 Two papers was accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
[2024/08] Invited as Reviewer for ICLR.
[2024/05] Invited as Reviewer for NeurIPS.
[2024/02] 🎉 One paper was accepted by CVPR 2024.
[2024/01] Invited as Reviewer for ECCV.
[2023/11] Invited as Reviewer for CVPR.
[2023/05] Invited as Reviewer for ICCV.
[2023/02] 🎉 One paper was accepted by CVPR 2023.
[2022/07] 🎉 One paper was accepted by ECCV 2022 (Oral, top 2.7%).




LiDAR4D: Dynamic Neural Fields for Novel Space-time View LiDAR Synthesis
Zehan Zheng, Fan Lu, Weiyi Xue, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang.
CVPR, 2024
[Paper] | [Code] | [Project Page] | [Video] | [Slides] | [Poster]
Differentiable LiDAR-only framework for novel space-time LiDAR view synthesis, which reconstructs dynamic driving scenarios and generates realistic LiDAR point clouds end-to-end. It also supports simulation in the dynamic scene.


NeuralPCI: Spatio-temporal Neural Field for 3D Point Cloud Multi-frame Non-linear Interpolation
Zehan Zheng∗, Danni Wu∗, Ruisi Lu, Fan Lu, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang
CVPR, 2023
[Paper] | [Code] | [Project Page] | [Video] (6min)| [Talk] (15min) | [Slides] | [Poster]
4D spatio-temporal Neural field for 3D Point Cloud Interpolation, which implicitly integrates multi-frame information to handle nonlinear large motions for both indoor and outdoor scenarios.


GeoNLF: Geometry-guided Pose-Free Neural LiDAR Fields
Weiyi Xue∗, Zehan Zheng∗, Fan Lu, Haiyun Wei, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang
NeurIPS, 2024
(Coming Soon)
Global neural optimization framework for pose-free LiDAR reconstruction, which provides explicit geometric priors and achieve simultaneous large-scale multi-view registration and novel view synthesis.


RCDN: Towards Robust Camera Insensitivity Collaborative Perception via Dynamic Feature-based 3D Neural Modeling
Tianhang Wang, Fan Lu, Zehan Zheng, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang
NeurIPS, 2024
(Coming Soon)
Collaborative perception framework with BEV feature based static and dynamic fields, which can recover failed perceptual messages sent by multiple agents and achieve high collaborative performance with low calibration cost.


PersFormer: 3D Lane Detection via Perspective Transformer and the OpenLane Benchmark
Li Chen∗, Chonghao Sima∗, Yang Li∗, Zehan Zheng, Jiajie Xu, Xiangwei Geng, Hongyang Li, Conghui He, Jianping Shi, Yu Qiao, Junchi Yan.
ECCV, 2022 (Oral)
[Paper] | [Code] | [Blog] | [Slides] | [Video] (4min) | [Talk] (50min) | [Poster]
End-to-end monocular 3D lane detector with a novel Transformer-based spatial feature transformation module which generates BEV features by attending to related front-view local regions with camera parameters as a reference.



Vehicle-mounted Surround-view Fisheye Camera Panoramic Bird’s Eye View (BEV) Calibration

[GitHub Demo] GitHub Star
A novel calibration method for vehicle-mounted surround fish-eye cameras based on the drone, and a real-time bird’s eye view (BEV) generator.


💻Research Experience

  • July 2024 - Present
    Research Intern - SU Lab, University of California San Diego
    Advisor: Prof. Hao Su
    Research included: 3D Scene Generation, 3D Diffusion

  • March 2024 - Present
    Research Intern - Computational Cognition, Vision, and Learning Lab (CCVL), Johns Hopkins University
    Advisor: Prof. Alan L. Yuille
    Research included: Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Point Clouds

  • July 2022 - Present
    Research Assistant - Intelligent Sensing, Perception and Computing Lab (ISPC), Tongji University
    Advisor: Prof. Guang Chen
    Research included: 3D Point Clouds, 4D Reconstruction, Neural Fields

  • Dec. 2021 - June 2022
    Research Intern - OpenDriveLab of Shanghai AI Laboratory
    Advisor: Prof. Hongyang Li
    Research included: 3D Laneline Detection in Autonomous Driving

  • Mar. 2021 - Nov. 2021
    Research Intern - Comprehensive Perception Research Group (CPRG), Tongji University
    Advisor: Prof. Wei Tian
    Research included: Fish-eye Camera Calibration, Bird’s Eye View (BEV)


🛠️Engineering Experience

  • 2018 - 2021
    Tongji University (Formula SAE) Racing Team sponsored by Lotus 🏎️
    Technical Leader & Driver & Aerodynamics Group
    Achieve 1st in FSC-2019 / 3rd in FSJ-2019 / 3rd in FSC-2020 / 2nd in FSC-2021
    Best Aerodynamics Award in FSJ 2019, Best Design Report Award in FSC 2020


🏆Honors and Awards

  • NeurIPS Scholar Award (Travel Grant), 2024
  • Excellent Graduate of Tongji University, 2022
  • Outstanding Student of Tongji University, 2018, 2021, 2023
  • First Prize of Tongji University Scholarship (Top 2%), 2018, 2021, 2023
  • National First Prize in Formula Student China Competition (FSC), 2020
  • National Second Prize of China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM), 2020